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cast as 意味

"cast as"の例文


  • 役を振る
  • cast     1cast n. (1) 投げ; 型, 性質; ギプス; 痕跡; べっ見, 目つき; (ヘビなどの)ぬけがら. 【動詞+】 apply a cast
  • as cast    {形} :
  • as-cast    {形} : 打ち放しの、鋳放し
  • cast    1cast n. (1) 投げ; 型, 性質; ギプス; 痕跡; べっ見, 目つき; (ヘビなどの)ぬけがら. 【動詞+】 apply a cast to a broken arm 骨折した腕にギプスをはめる She has a cast in her left eye. 彼女の左目は斜視だ He had a cast on. ギプスをつけていた
  • cast by    {句動} : 投げ捨てる、排斥する、~が出演者になっている
  • cast in    ~を投入{とうにゅう}する
  • cast on    {句動-1} : ~に放り上げる、~の上に投げる -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : 編み始める、素早く着る
  • to cast    to cast 投じる とうじる 鋳る 鑄る いる
  • to cast into    to cast into 打ち込む うちこむ ぶちこむ
  • application of cast    包帯使用{ほうたい しよう}
  • apply a cast to    ~をギプスで固定{こてい}する The doctor applied a cast to his broken leg. 医者は折れた足をギプスで固定した
  • as cast concrete    
  • as cast slab    
  • as-cast concrete    打ち放しコンクリート
  • as-cast slab    鋳放しのスラブ


  • setsuko hara and chishu ryu were often cast as the lead .
  • ours ... is to inspect this man's rusty tomb . now ... well , it's the same cast as the others , but it's older .
    入ってた錆びついた缶を調べよう 他のと同じ鋳型だが もっと古いな
  • the " kanjincho " that was performed during the early showa period - with koshiro matsumoto the seventh cast as benkei , kikugoro onoue the sixth as yoshitsune , and uzaemon ichimura the fifteenth as togashi - in particular was considered a masterpiece , and the performance was also recorded on film .
    特に昭和初期の松本幸四郎 (7代目)の弁慶・尾上菊五郎 (6代目)の義経・市村羽左衛門 (15代目)の富樫による『勧進帳』は絶品で、映画にも記録された。
  • in kabuki (traditional performing art ) and kodan story-telling , ' easy-to-understand stories of rewarding-good-and-punishing-evil ' were favored , and given the theme of sympathetically rooting for the underdog (in this case yoshitsune ) as a tragic hero , kagetoki was cast as an evil enemy who had trapped him .
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